4 min read

What Drives Me

Earlier this week, my mentor posed a question that resonated deeply with me: What drives you? This simple query sparked a cascade of thoughts, leading me to reflect on my motivations and where I want to direct my energy in the coming years.

In my family, for the past three generations, education has been the cornerstone of success. It's seen as the primary path to wealth and self-improvement. I explored this legacy in an earlier article—"Education is the Path to Prosperity – A Family Legacy of Learning and Growth". While that tradition of valuing education continues to guide me, my focus is evolving. As I look ahead, I've decided to hone in on a few key areas over the next five years that resonate more personally with my goals and aspirations.

Acquiring Knowledge: The Endless Pursuit

The first and perhaps most crucial of these is the pursuit of knowledge. I’ve made it a mission to learn something new every day, whether it's related to my current work or a completely different field. This commitment to learning isn’t just about staying relevant in my space—it's about becoming a more well-rounded individual with a deep and universal understanding of technology.

A minor ADHD diagnosis has turned out to be more of a boon than a hindrance in this respect. It fuels my curiosity and propels me to explore new things constantly. I vividly remember a time when I was deeply passionate about robotics. In the aftermath of the FTX collapse, I applied to various research labs, driven by a desire to contribute to that field. However, logistical challenges, particularly related to location, held me back. Despite this, I’m grateful for my current role, where the opportunity to learn something new every day.

Building Networks: Infinite Sum Games

Another area I’m focusing on is building networks—not just any networks, but ones based on genuine friendships and mutual care. I’ve always believed in creating connections without expecting anything in return. This concept, which I like to call "infinite sum games," is rooted in the idea that relationships built on trust and goodwill are inherently valuable, with no strings attached.

In this game, there’s no end, no final tally of who owes what. Instead, the relationships you nurture become a continuous source of support, growth, and opportunity.

Detachment Towards Money: A Byproduct of Knowledge

One of the most profound shifts in my mindset over the past few years has been my detachment towards money. I've come to realize that if you have knowledge, you have the ability to create wealth. Money, in itself, is not the end goal—it's a byproduct of the skills and knowledge you possess.

I fully understand the importance of money; it’s a tool that enables us to achieve certain goals and live comfortably. However, I’ve grown confident in my ability to generate it when needed. If you were to take away all the money I have today, I wouldn’t be concerned, because I know how to make it back. This detachment has given me a sense of freedom, allowing me to focus more on the things that truly matter: learning, building, and contributing to something greater.

This perspective is well-captured in the Ramayana, where it is said:

"धनानि भूमौ पश्यसि नष्टनीतानि।"
"Wealth accumulated on earth is seen to be ultimately destroyed."

(Valmiki Ramayana, Ayodhya Kanda, Sarga 105, Verse 22)

This quote underscores the impermanence of wealth and the importance of not becoming overly attached to it. It serves as a reminder that while money has its place, it should never be the primary focus of one’s life.

Wisdom from the Ramayana: Embracing Duty and Detachment

In reflecting on these motivations, I’m also reminded of another powerful lesson from the Ramayana:

"निराशः शांतचित्तः सदा सुखी।"
"One who is free from desires and has a calm mind is always happy."

(Valmiki Ramayana, Uttara Kanda, Sarga 89, Verse 20)

This teaching encapsulates the essence of what I aim to embody in my life. Whether it’s in the pursuit of knowledge, building networks, or creating something meaningful, the focus should always be on the effort itself, not the rewards. By detaching ourselves from the outcomes—be it financial gain, recognition, or success—we free ourselves to act with clarity, purpose, and integrity.

Creating Something Good: Leaving a Legacy

Lastly, I’m driven by the desire to create something meaningful—something that people will not just use but enjoy and value. Whether it’s a product, a service, or even an idea, I want to build something that leaves a positive impact on those who encounter it.

In this sense, my aim is to concentrate on the process of creation, pouring my efforts into it with the understanding that the true value lies in the act of creating, rather than the outcome.

Conclusion: A Journey Rooted in Purpose

As I embark on this journey, my motivations are clear: to learn continuously, to build meaningful relationships, and to create something that stands the test of time. These pillars guide me as I navigate the complexities of life and work, grounded in the wisdom of my family's legacy and the teachings of ancient texts.

With these motivations in mind, I look forward to the next five years with a sense of purpose and determination, eager to see where this path will lead.